Following My Own Instructions

Following My Own Instructions

A while back I wrote an article about making memories with photos. According to my own words in that article, I encouraged all you iPhone photographers to not rely on “the cloud” to save your precious family photos for ever. And, what is the “cloud?”…a big ‘ole’ computer out there somewhere in never, never land!

When looking at old family photos from past history, do you find that so often many of those historical family photos do not have names, dates or location? What a loss when no-one in the family knows the names and history of the photos.

So, I am following my own instructions and making an effort to print many of the collected photos from my iPhone. At present I can look back in my photos to find the original date, and make notes on the backs of the photos—names, dates, location, and other info to make the photos more meaningful for the future generation.

To quote from my previous article: “Reminder: Take the photos. Make the prints. Place them in the family album with names and dates. And if you are the family photographer, by all means, hand the camera to someone…You need to be in the photo once in a while!”

I have loved photography since 4th grade when I took the family’s big black box Kodak camera to school one day and took one photo of a group of my classmates.

I have owned many cameras through the years. I traveled across the continents with large cameras with long zoom lens and 20 rolls of film. Next was the great little pocket camera with the digital card that held hundreds of photos to be transfer to the computer and printed. Then came the IPhone. What a great invention—the amazing iPhone camera!