Cub Center Chats by Patricia Curtis

Cub Center Chats by Patricia Curtis

Greetings from the Cub Center on these dog days of summer. Escape the heat by visiting us in our cool Center. You will be greeted by nice, caring people, eat with us, and visit to your heart’s content. If you’re a puzzle person, there is always one being put together; sometimes, we come up one piece short, but that doesn’t matter- it’s the quest that counts.

First of all, I’d like to dispel the commonly held thought that the Cub Center is only for older people. That is far from the truth. We welcome any age group to come and enjoy the great food and fellowship. For those older than 62, we ask for a $4 donation for the meal, and for those younger than that, the suggested donation is $6.

If you like to play Bingo, come on Wednesdays from 10:30 to 11:30 to share in the fun and win a prize or two. Eat at noon and play dominoes or visit until 3:30. Lots of laughing and giggling can certainly brighten your day.

We need both volunteers and donations. The Center provides more than 1700 home-delivered meals per month, plus onsite meals. The Meals on Wheels deliveries are so important because they provide nutritious food and serve as a wellness check. If there are needs, we can address those issues by contacting people to help. We care!

Due to higher prices and shortages during the pandemic, our operating costs soared; closing the eat-in dining hall for several months stopped that source of income; and when a kitchen worker got Covid, we had to outsource food from local businesses to serve our Meals on Wheels program for several weeks, which was a costly venture.

We ask those who can please make their donations to the Center from now through Sept. 9 to increase the probability of receiving even more money through TEXOMA GIVES. Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and generosity for this worthy cause of caring for and feeding Olney citizens. Please join us at the Center Sept. 9 for a daylong program of activities and prizes. That day will begin at 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. with coffee and doughnuts, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. lunch, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. domino tournament—Call 940-564-2782 to enter. There is a $5 entry fee. There will be a drawing at 9:30 p.m.—50/50 Raffle; the winner gets half of the proceeds.

The Cub Center is located at 302 S Ave. B. Come one, come all for a fun day!

August Birthdays: Betty Omholt-6th; Belinda Camp-9th; Barbara Walker-13th; Neva McClatchy-17th; Glenda Wadley-24th; James Ford-27th; Hubert Gray-24th.

Spread a little sunshine with every step you take, smile at everyone you meet, and have a blessed week!