Blessed and a Blessing: Jason Chandler

Blessed and a Blessing: Jason Chandler

“My name is Jason Chandler, I’m 34 years old and I’m from Austin, Texas. I have been addicted to drugs and the life of crime since the age of ten. I have been to prison three times and once as a juvenile. Whenever I came to the House of Mercy I learned about God’s grace and the revelation of the Mystery through Paul’s teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How he came to this world, lived a perfect life, took the weight of the world’s sin on his shoulders and died on the cross, then rose three days later. Since being at the House of Mercy my family has been restored, including relationships with my mom and son. I’ve learned to look at life as a giver and not a taker. They say the word fear is written over 500 times in the Bible. Growing up a lot of times I had the fear of success. I would get a job, get a little clean time, everything would be going good then I would self-sabotage myself. I no longer fear the future with God today. Everything I do as a result of this program and the willingness to change, I do unto the Lord because he has done so much for me. I’ve learned to put others before myself and that his complete will for my life is found in the Holy Bible. I’m living proof God can change someone, even someone like me. Living proof.”

Jason is a level 3 resident of the House of Mercy Enterprises (H.O.M.E.). His plans after completion of the program include him staying in Olney and becoming involved with the program that led him to the truth. Before coming H.O.M.E. he describes his life as a mess; full of crime, addiction, depression and hopelessness. What he loves the most is the love that is shown at H.O.M.E. and the truth that he has come to know through the Bible. The House of Mercy changed his life by showing and teaching him about the Grace which Jesus showed Paul first. Jason has three sons; 5, 10 and 14.