Amity Club starts new club year

On Thursday, Oct. 4th, the members of the Amity Club met at the home of Betty O’Dell. Present were Evelyn Altmiller, Judy Averett (Treas), Rita Choat (1st VP), Jeanie Fichte, JoAnn Key, Ann Lundy (Pres), Marilyn Norris, Betty O’Dell, Jeanie Spivey (2nd VP), Phyllis Whitsitt, Judi Winslow (Reporter), and Bobby Wright (Recording Secty). Traditionally, the first meeting of the club year is a Brunch hosted by the Program Committee (Rita Choat, Ann Lundy, Jeanie Spivey and Judi Winslow). The Collect was read by Jeanie Spivey, followed by a delicious brunch. Poems about Fall/Autumn were read, and Roll Call was taken by Rita, then the minutes from the May meeting were read by Bobby Wright. Evelyn reported that the Treasurer’s books were reviewed and accepted as correct. The Treasurer’s Report was given by Judy Averett. Discussion ensued regarding new federal regulations and how a small club such as Amity might be able to comply without incurring great expense. Dues are now due for the 2018-2019 year.

So, what is the Amity Club all about? “Amity” means: “a friendly relationship”, “harmony”, “accord”, and/or “understanding”. The theme for the new year is: “You Are a Rare Gem, My Friend”. Each scheduled program addresses some facet of the theme of friendship. The new yearbooks were handed out and reviewed by Rita.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 1st at the Hometown Coffee Shop and the informative program will be on “Robotics”. Guest speakers will be Mitzi Morrison and Mike Winslow.