Amity Club enjoys a garden party

Amity Club enjoys a garden party

What fun!!! Hopefully those with NOT such a green thumb went home with a greener thumb than they came with. Lucretia Taylor hosted us at her new home while Margie Snyder and her daughter, Teresa, presented a program filled with great information and common errors we all need to know about for house plants, porch plants and even garden plants. I don’t know about you, but I (and many of my friends) are insect magnets. I know for me it’s chiggers and gnats. The gnats are just annoying, but chigger bites itch for at least 2-3 weeks and I have yet to find a good solution. One thing we learned about was a product called ‘mosquito bits’ which is a mosquito and gnat repellant. We also learned about succulents and how to care for them. It’s easy once you find what you’ve been doing wrong. Part of the session was to ask for advice and get answers to problems. Many of us shared the same problems, so we went home a lot smarter than we were when we got there, and we each went home with a Jade plant and a tomato plant.

This great meeting did have a short business meeting of course. Present were Evelyn Altmiller, Rita Choat, Nita Hearne, Ann Lundy (President), Marilyn Norris, Carolyn Penn, Gail Spears, Jeanie Spivey, Donna Sullivan, Lucretia Taylor, Ronni Walker, Phyllis Whitsitt, Judi Winslow, Bobby Wright, Judy Moberly, and of course Margie Snyder. Our next meeting is on May 4th for a delicious salad luncheon at the home of Donna Sullivan.