My Nickel’s Worth
There’s a book by Elmer Kelton titled “The Time It Never Rained.” As I was thinking about the current situation in which we are living, this book came to mind. In this book, a desperate farmer tries to hold on to his independence and the principles he values.
In today’s society, we are seeing the worst of society in many ways. We don’t greet one another with a smile and a handshake. We don’t attend church. We can’t visit nursing homes. People are fearful and angry. Some are losing hope. Do we have to sell out and lose our principles of kindness, patience, friendliness and love? Social media has become a place of political unrest and destruction.
I know things are hard. These are tough times, but we have an opportunity to be better than the norm. We must do the unexpected and seek to bring light into the darkness. In a world that is becoming consumed with darkness by the day, I encourage you to be the light.
Be the light that someone is in desperate need of when having a bad day. And if you are on social media, be a person that shows kindness, friendliness, love, compassion. It cannot hurt this world, but rather make us better--especially through all of the obstacles that we are constantly facing today.
There is already enough darkness and hatred in this world...so be the light that disrupts what is becoming the norm and stand firm in your values, principles and faith.