OISD closes due to illness

The district closed Olney High School Jan. 2326 due to a large amount of illness-caused student and teacher absences. The district was able to make that decision because of extra minutes available on the calendar.

“At this time we will not be required to make these days up,” Principal Brianne Brock said. “Our school calendar contains over the amount of minutes students are required to attend.”

Brock advised students to practice healthy habits to keep the public safe. If anyone has any symptoms of illness they should stay home and not go to school. Along with that, to help avoid sickness, don’t drink or eat after others, and wash your hands before eating and after using the bathroom.

“Students can avoid getting sick by making sure not to come to campus if they are already feeling ill and/or running a fever,” Brock said. “Students need to make sure to wash their hands, keep their distance from their peers and not share items such as drinks etc.”