I grew wheat in my backyard
I grew wheat in my backyard

I grew wheat in my backyard

The story of my backyard wheat crop is somewhat of a miracle story: Many years ago I mistakenly transplanted Chinaberry trees along our back fence to add some shade in the backyard— no one told me it was a bad idea. The trees are shallow rooted and through the years we lost all grass. We started having massive amount of tree sprouts that would become a forest of Chinaberry trees without constant digging and control. I have spent many hours each year working to control them. Another part of the story involves many years of blowing the uncontrollable amount of heavy post oak leaves out of the yard. In recent years I became aware of the massive loss of top soil—also hindering growth of any kind. We had a desert. I decided to have some top soil brought in. I went on FB Olney Rant and Rave and found someone to help me. He came out to look it over, and asked if we could get dirt out of the field just outside my back fence. Arrangements were made and he proceeded to open my fence. He brought his little Kubota, and did a great job moving dirt in and spreading it around. We were then able to rake and smooth it out. The soil was full of wheat straw and loose wheat left from the recent harvest. We raked and removed the straw, and after the first rain a little miracle happened…wheat came up and covered my bare backyard! We have kept it mowed, not wanting to grow a full crop of wheat. I am not sure what will happen at the next harvest time. In the field it grows and dries, getting ready for harvest. It will be interesting to see what happens to the low cut wheat grass.

Through the years, I would study the area and actually pray for green coverage of any kind. I wanted anything green, without burrs, could be mowed, and not require watering—thus, the miracle of the backyard wheat crop!