
	Count It All Joy, Right Now

Count It All Joy, Right Now

Lately the baby and I have been engaged in one of those epic battles that two year olds tend to wage with their mothers. She wants to do what she wants to do, and I want her to do what I want her to do. Case in point: we both want her to walk instead of being carried. But I want her to stay close to me, and she wants to run wildly in the direction of something more interesting in the distance. So I hold her and she squirms and cries, and she agrees through tears that if I will only put her feet on the ground, she will stay right beside me. So I, ever hopeful, put her down. Her resolve only lasts for about 45 seconds before she is off again, and then as I’m running behind her making a grab for the back of her tiny sweater, I remember why it’s always better to just bring a stroller.
