Surviving on Nothing but Juice for 17 days
Surviving on Nothing but Juice for 17 days

Surviving on Nothing but Juice for 17 days



It’s hard to believe I survived on nothing but fresh, cold-pressed juice for 17 days. My goal was to make it to 30 days, but my body told me it was time to stop. I’m pleased with the results and inspired to include several juice fasts in my wellness plan throughout the year. I think you should, too. Here’s why.

You will lose weight.

My total weight loss was 17 pounds in 17 days, but the weight loss slowed down after the first week. This juice fast helped me move beyond my weight loss plateau, and now I am back on track to reach my next goal. Losing just a few pounds can make you feel significantly better while increasing your mobility and breathing.

You will tame your food cravings. Deciding to complete a juice cleanse will help minimize your cravings for salty and sugary foods. Your body typically craves the things you put into it. If you’re incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet, your body will ask for more fruits and vegetables. Also, juice cleansing removes the bad stuff and makes room for healthy foods. Usually, the cravings will subside after the third day.

You will get rid of inflammation. Inflammation occurs when your body fights to heal a disease or condition. Chronic inflammation is linked to your immune system and keeps your body in a constant “fighting” mode. Some of the chronic illnesses associated with inflammation include diabetes, dementia, gout, arthritis, heart disease, and cancer, to name a few. Juice fasting is an excellent way for your body to absorb nutrient-dense foods to boost your immune system. Some dieticians recommend fasting between five and 21 days to reduce inflammation, depending on the severity.

I feel wonderful after juice cleansing. It was not easy initially, but if you can stick with the cleanse, it will be worth all the suffering you may endure. As with any diet or exercise program, you should always consult your doctor before you begin. If you want additional advice about how to get started on a juice cleanse, please send an email to coach@

Ronni Walker is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in mass communication. She is committed to helping people transition to and maintain healthy lifestyles through the P.RE.T.T.Y. Girl Fitness project. You may contact by sending an email to